Develop, support, promote disability leaders

Future Shapers

The Disability Leadership Institute


The Future Shapers

The premier program in disability leadership

Transformational leaders building our world for tomorrow –  they’re innovators, lateral thinkers, strategists, creators and change makers. They’re the people who think outside the box and shape the world for the future. And many of these leaders are disabled people.

This program is designed for high potential disability leaders. People who will make a difference in their field into the future.

Our alumni features disability leaders from a wide range of leading government, corporate, and social impact organisations.

The Future Shapers is a 9 month program of vertical leadership development, transformational leadership growth and big picture strategic thinking.

This world first program has been designed and developed by disability leaders for disability leaders. We use vertical leadership principles and embrace disability as a leadership asset.

This rigorous program incorporates mainstream leadership development alongside a strong understanding of what it takes to operate at the highest levels as a disability leader.

Delivered by one of Australia’s few accredited vertical leadership coaches, the Future Shapers program has been designed from the ground up by and for disabled leaders.

The Future Shapers talk openly in a supportive environment, without explaining or justifying disability and how it behaves, because operating as a whole person is a key part of moving into post conventional vertical leadership stages.

“Disability is more than an eligibility requirement, its a core asset in how we do leadership.”

The Future Shapers harnesses the unique perspective of disability leaders and applies it to big picture strategies to build the future, including design thinking, Blue Ocean Strategy and quantum theory.

Watch a LinkedIn Live discussion with Future Shapers alumni as they talk about the impact of the program on them and their work – recorded June 2022.

Are you a Future Shaper?

Are you ready to build the world of tomorrow?

Enrolments for Future Shapers 2025 are now open! Closing on 30 November 2024.

Join us for a rigorous 9 month leadership program that will take you on a transformational journey to the next level of leadership.

Transform yourself, your team and your organisation.

Transform your world.

You will undertake:

A 9 month program commencing in February 2025, running through to November 2025:

An intensive week long workshop, from 17 to 21 February 2025, examining key vertical leadership concepts, transformational leadership elements, strategic frameworks, specialist disability leadership concepts. You will commence several of the program modules during this workshop.
(All Future Shapers program elements are currently delivered virtually. We are considering returning to an in person 3 day intensive workshop in February. Please indicate your preference / ability to do this on the enrolment form.)

Twice monthly development workshops to extend your leadership knowledge (delivered virtually).

A year long specialist change making project.

Individual leadership coaching sessions throughout your year of study.

Premium membership of the Disability Leadership Institute for 2 years.

Vertical leadership assessment upon commencement and completion using the Global Leadership Profile.

Lifelong alumni privileges.

Program fee: $9,950 AUD +GST (must be received by 30 November 2024).
We strongly recommend that you seek your government’s or employer’s support to enrol in this program.
The Future Shapers is the world’s first specialist disability leadership program by disabled people for disabled people.
The program recognises that no diversity group has shifted towards equality without specialist focus on their development, built from within their own community.

enrol now!

The Future Shapers recognises the unique leadership approach taken by disability leaders; then combines it with the strengths of a disability focussed environment, the power of collaboration, and a framework of innovation, wrapped inside a transformational leadership course using vertical leadership principles and action logic.

Be part of building answers and making the future.

Be part of changing the way leadership is understood.

Are you ready to be a Future Shaper?

This is your chance, its your time!

Not quite ready?
Work towards being a Future Shaper by getting involved with the Disability Leadership Institute!

Need help or have questions about the program?

Email us at the Disability Leadership Institute – we’re here to help you!