When you enrol through this portal you will be taken to the checkout for our training platform. It will ask you to log in. If you are a new user you will be asked to create a user name, then you will be taken to the checkout. If you are alumni you will use your existing log in and user (or member) code if you have one.
Through 6 self paced modules:
All webinars are captioned.
Your instructor: over 2 decades Christina Ryan has represented her community from the grass roots right up to representing her country at the United Nations, and successfully made change. Christina has worked at many levels and trained many others to follow her. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a highly experienced representative who's made a difference.
When you enrol through this portal you will be taken to the checkout for our training platform. It will ask you to log in. If you are a new user you will be asked to create a user name, then you will be taken to the checkout. If you are alumni you will use your existing log in and user (or member) code if you have one.
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