Develop, support, promote disability leaders

Entrepreneurs Online

Entrepreneurs Co-discovery Sessions

Disability Leadership Institute Entrepreneurs Members meet for regular Co-discovery Sessions where the Emembers share knowledge, ideas, ask questions, about the topic under discussion.

The topics are centred on business practice and are decided by discussions in the membership group.

Co-discovery Sessions are recorded and available as a resource for anyone to access via our training platform. Entrepreneur Members have free access to the recorded Co-discovery Sessions, we charge a small fee ($9.95 AUD) for everyone else to cover our costs.

All of our courses and webinars are captioned, and you can go back in and view them many times.

When you click a link it will take you through to our training platform. You will be asked to log in. If you are a new user create a user name, then you will be taken to the checkout, or use your existing log in and member code if you have one.

Values versus Money

What to do when making money conflicts with your values.


Pivoting: how we do it, how do we know we are doing it?


A conversation between Disability Leadership Institute Entrepreneurs members about how much we know about what is going on in our business. 

Naming My Business

Disability Leadership Institute Entrepreneurs members share experiences on how they named their business, and what they considered when doing so. 


A discussion about financial systems in our businesses. Do you hate doing the finances? Are you making it easy for yourself? 

Mailing Lists

Are they useful? How do we use them? Some ideas on Mailing Lists

Creating Markets

Many disability entrepreneurs are creating niches to operate in. We consider what point of difference disability offers our business and how we can use that, even in mainstream non-disability related work. 

Mentors and Advisors

Is it necessary to have a mentor? How do you find one? Do they have to be disabled? 

My Big Idea

Has your big idea changed since you started in business? Did you stick with it? 

When Should I Employ People? 

Making the decision to employ people in our businesses. 

Entity Structure – what should I choose? 

Sole traders, companies, non-profit companies, social enterprises, incorporated associations – all get a mention. 

The Vision Thing

We look at what a Vision can do, how it assists in day to day operations, and what we use it for. 

Talking Disability with Non-disabled Folk

Our members chat about responses, language and staying on track to keep business the focus of your conversations.

Focus – Getting Things Done

How we focus and get things done. A wide ranging look at tips and tricks for making sure things actually happen in our business.

Fees and Charges

What should I charge? What to be aware of in pricing. How do I know I’ve covered everything?

Social Media – Codiscovery Session

DLI Entrepreneurs Members discuss using social media in their business.

Building Reputation

An entrepreneur’s co-discovery session discussing how our reputations are built and sustained.


DLI Entrepreneurs Members discuss how they have financed their businesses and found the funds to make things happen.